Thursday, August 17, 2006

Big day today. Big big day. In a side-step from the usual, I had a schedule of training today, focusing on 'Coaching Skills'. (Or as I would have said as a tot, 'choking skills'). On top of the usual chatter about top coaching qualities and situational leadership styles, I was overjoyed to find that the day included a hands-on component. In fact, as a result of this practical application opportunity, I can now somewhat confidently start a whipper-snipper (no more scissors!), I am the proud owner of a paper 'chatterbox' (and will marry Orlando Bloom!!), and I have semi-successfully trained two colleagues in conversational French. Not a bad day's work, non?

In addition to the mammoth creativity expenditure made in training today, it is with great eagerness that Jesse and I have spent the last 48 hours brainstorming catchy company/venture names. We've even gone so far as to check their availability as dot-coms.

Well holy guacamole! Tip for young players - do not bother thinking about registering a domain name. Ever. Not even after pulling out a dictionary. It is a little known fact that all identifiable English words are already domain names. Even the dorky ones. And it doesn't stop there. The dot-com company is clean out of phonetic derivations too. They went out with all the trendy 'x' and 'z' words - sparx, sparkz, sparkxez. Indeed, out of our many trials (and there were many, many, bordering on the ridiculous), the only magic one left was True. You don't even have to use a 'z'! So despite my narkiness (which is also available), I guess there is hope after all - just not as a domain name.

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