Monday, August 21, 2006

Don't Think I Don't Know You're Out There

Dear All (and by 'All' I mean those special special people I specifically emailed this blog to), this is just a polite post to let you know that I know that you are not spending nearly enough time reading my blog. I am particularly devastated that all my so-called music officiando buddies have not leapt into answering that damn song title quiz thingy. Do you have any idea how many times I had to listen to the start of those songs?? I don't even like some of them!! :(

So here it is. Cards on the table. I know when you visit and I know when you don't. I know the dodgy dodgy sites you've linked in from and I know just how very little time you stayed on my dodgy site. I don't want to name names and I don't want to place any extra pressure on you guys. But I'm keeping a list, and Christmas cards may depend on that list. So you've been warrrrrned! Hahahahaarrharrrrrrrr...


Ali said...

Ok, maybe scratch my disappointment on the song quizzle. Kudos to Afe for his ridiculous (and only slightly anticipated) number of answers. I haven't even checked them, but I've no doubt they're hot on the money. As for the rest of you, there's only a handful of songs left; so unless you want to be immortalised as a bunch of boguns, hands on buzzers NOW!

Anonymous said...

Ok Al, I finally made it to your blog and I've got to say, I find it very impressive (especially love the 'fade out' feature). Keep up the good work, we're now depending on it for entertainment.... ;)