Wednesday, November 15, 2006

15 Movember, 1800 hours

Antonio Banderas

Hubby Jesse

Never seen together at the same time.

Think about it.


Afe said...

They do both have that "stunned mullet" look.

Jim said...

I dunno if it's stunned mullet. I've seen that wide-eyed look in meetings when the subject looks at a third party and thinks, "Holy shit! This third party has absolutely no idea what they're talking about and is totally unaware that he/she has no idea, and yet I'm supposed to work with him/her! I am chilled to the bone that such idiocy can exist in the world."

It may alternatively be the "That moth is enormous and could begin to attack my precious moustache at any moment. I'm watching you, moth!"

Ali said...

Dead on Jim.

Fortunately, we restrained the moth in question shortly after taking the photo.

It is currently being held in custody for ongoing questioning. However, unsurprisingly, it has so far refused to talk.

Sadly this means only one thing. That we may soon have to pull out our.....


Ali said...

Oh man...

I pity the Spanish sod who just found my blog through an 'Antonio Banderas' google.

No jokes.