Thursday, January 18, 2007

Sayonara Oosutoraria

'Why is it that it is that you have titled this post in Japanese Ari-san?', I hear you all think.
Well my friends, that, quite obviously, would be because we're going to JAPAN!

Truediddly. In an unprecedented bout of irresponsible frivolity, Jesse and I have made a snap decision to spend a couple of weeks over Easter touring the land-o-rising-sun. We did spend a good couple of minutes deliberating the merits of the usual South East Asia suspects, but soon agreed that they were far too affordable; and, really, what could be cooler than communal baths, silky bathrobes and all-season socks and sandals.

Now, unsurprisingly, some sad, sorry and cynical friends have already taken the opportunity to point out that our lack of Japanese language skills may pose some problems. Bah! I flap my hands at them. My high school Jap studies are about to pay dividends, and then some.

Prepare to be amazed. For I can actually remember how to say 'Let's go to the beach by train.'* Aaaaand, I can, when pressed, interchange 'beach' with 'mountains'. How hard can it be after you've mastered that sort of bilingual gold? Hells bells! I've even read 'Memoirs of a Geisha'.

And watched the movie.

So bring it on ye friends of little faith.

Bring. It. On.

* For the record, that would be something at least reasonably close to 'Uma ni densha de ikimashoo-ka.' Yeah! Take that all you doubting Thomases who said that Geography was a more reliable subject for future success and happiness.


Anonymous said...

So I can't figure out how to email I'll just have to comment on a post!

You're going to have so much fun in Nippon!

Here are a few other nuggets...

kawaii des ne!

honto kannaah!

hai genki des!


Anyways...I've uploaded the photos from last night on my site and sent them to your work email.

...up to you now blog maestro!


Afe said...

You go to Japan then. Go away and don't come back. Then visit me in the UK.