Monday, January 08, 2007

Countdown 2

My previous post referred to my counting down of the very last day of work before a luxurious couple of weeks off.

This post refers to the 350-ish day countdown until my next likely couple of weeks off.

Bingo. You guessed it. I've got the 'First Day Back' blues. I can only hope that my sleeping in through the alarm this morning, and subsequent noticeably late arrival at work, is not an omen of 2007's potential offerings.

Fortunately, I managed to ease myself into the office today with much discussion about everybody's new year resolutions. Amongst the zealous talk of healthy eating, outrageous fitness regimes and ambitious business plans, I was saddened to realise that I had no impressive or thoughtful response to the age-old resolution question when it was bandied my way.

I think part of the problem is that I'm genuinely uncomfortable talking up resolutions that I know, deep down, in my heart of hearts, I have absolutely zero intention of following. If memory serves me correctly, pursuant to my previous years' resolutions, I should, by now, be a multilingual supermodel with a seven figure income and a kitten petting zoo. Alas, dear readers, this is not the case.

And so, if I really must make a resolution for 2007, I would wish for a realistic one. Not work-life balance. Not cleaning the house every Thursday. But for 2007 to simply be a better, happier year than 2006 (which was a shocker).

If I can achieve that, then maybe, just maybe, 2008 may herald the year of the petting zoo.

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