Sunday, January 14, 2007

Reading Is For The Children

I am sure many of you will be shocked to know that I was a complete nerdburger when I was little. (Yes, even more than now.)

I was known to simultaneously read something like SIX or SEVEN books at a time. I look back now with the wisdom of my 20-something years and realise, woah, how completely mad that is. I also realise that I must have been a lot sharper and more enthusiastic then, than I am these tired tired days.

As goes the common tale, the daily survival of high school, uni and work, has caused reading for fun to almost completely drop off my agenda. Sure, I've read a few seriously recommended books (Life of Pi, The Lovely Bones). But they are little books. They didn't hurt my head when I read them.

To the contrary, I am currently reading 'Wild Swans : Three Daughters of China". And I feel like I've been hit by a brick.

Don't mistake my meaning though - I don't mean to run the story down. I'm sure the story is excellent. It's just that I've already invested an embarrassing number of hours into this epic book, and have only covered the intro, family tree, chronology, map and first two pages of Chapter 1.

I've no doubt this situation is a reflection on both myself and the book. But I tell you, I am NOT feeling the love right now.

I think I'll get some vids out.

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